Every now and then, Sydney puts on an incredible show at sunset. This evening was one of those, don’t you reckon? Let’s hope the rest of this week’s just as illuminating!

And then boom! The very next day starts just as amazingly as yesterday ended! Mrs romance is out and about early again this morning and is in the right place at the right time.

Never seen St Mary’s Cathedral look quite as good as this… I suppose, technically, I still haven’t seen it – this is a photo. but I’ve got a feeling this is as close as I’ll get to seeing the real thing.

I’m comfortable with that!

Tonight we’re heading to Berkelouw Bookstore in Paddington. Our dear friend Nikki from styling You has finally launched her first hard copy book ‘Unlock Your Style’. So excited for her.

Here’s a link to Nikki’s publisher, Hatchette, for more information about her excellent book.

We recently had an incredible lunch in the city. Mr Tipply’s does these fantastic Char Sui short ribs were pretty much the best ribs on earth! Soft, sticky, tender… I could pretty much eat just them for the rest of my life!

Here’s our review on Mr Tipply’s, their ribs and a lot of the other food you can devour.

Romance Media weekly meeting time! We’re at Paramount Coffee project today to discuss what the working week should entail. and have a great coffee too, of course. Mrs R is very happy because they make their own macadamia milk here.

Mrs R and I are going our own ways for lunch today. I’m down in the food court on the corner of Park St and Elizabeth St to try out the Hainanese chicken rice at Ito’s.

I’m meeting up with ob from @TheJugernauts (thanks for the use of your photo by the way Bob!), Tony from @AskTonyFood, Michael from men At work Comms (@SydMichael) and Simon from @SimonFoodFavourites!

Meanwhile, Mrs romance is having sushi on Stanley street in Darlinghurst. looks pretty good, doesn’t it?!

Today on site we’re looking at food pairings with Shiraz. I’ve pretty much just relied on our wine Saints for info on this – I don’t know much about it. It’s a fascinating subject, and so important if you want to appreciate the wine that you’re drinking and food that you’re eating.

Here’s what we’ve discovered about pairing food with Shiraz.

And here we go! The weekend’s finally here and we’re zooming up the motorway, crossing the beautiful Harbour Bridge and making our way to see Mrs R’s mum.

And so here we finally are: Sunday. quite a few people we know don’t like this day of the week. I can see where they’re coming from. It’s the end of the weekend, which means tomorrow is Monday.

It’s a bit like that last day of your holiday – you’re supposed to be having a good time, but all you can think about is getting to the airport in a timely manner and the work you’ll be facing when you get home… yeah, those guys have a point. Sundays suck.

Anyway, here’s our defence against Sunday Blues. A big steak, sauteed spinach and zucchini, and my special smokey, crispy roast potatoes. and the best bit: a glass of St Hallett Sonntag Shiraz… see above for the details of this delicious, powerful red.

How do you feel about Sundays? What do you like to eat when you’re drinking Shiraz? Where do you go for fantastic ribs? tell us in the comments!

Images by Mr and Mrs romance via Instagram: @MrAndMrsRomance, @HairRomance and of course @AngryBastard!

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